#Live Lent 2022

This year, we are remembering the cry of the Prophet Isaiah: ‘Is not this the fast that I choose: to loose the bonds of injustice?’

As we journey through Lent we are called to reflect on the injustices of the world and ask what God is calling us to do about them. Over forty days, we step into God’s work in the here and now – and in doing so we move from brokenness towards wholeness.

#LiveLent: Embracing Justice is the Church of England’s theme for Lent 2022.

Both the Archbishop of Canterbury’s 2022 Lent Book, Embracing Justice (SPCK), and the daily reflections booklet for adults (CHP) have been written by Isabelle Hamley. 'Embracing Justice' will be available as a Big Church Read. which provides exclusive videos from Isabelle Hamley for each chapter along with a reading plan and questions for group discussion or personal reflection.

It invites us to examine our own lives truthfully, to see the world more deeply and to pray – for the church and the world far and near – that ‘justice may roll down like waters, and righteousness like an ever-flowing stream’ (Amos 5.24).

Each week the booklet follows a different thread through the many stories of justice in the Bible to explore how God works with humanity to bring justice, wholeness and salvation to all. As in recent years, the weekly themes of the Archbishop’s Lent Book (supported by online resources for churches and groups) will also be explored in daily reflection from the Church of England.

#LiveLent: Embracing Justice will offer a daily Bible reading, a short reflection and a prayer, as well as a practical challenge linked to the week’s theme. An accompanying child’s version will also available to help children and their families explore how we can live well together.

The book and booklets will be accompanied by daily social media posts from Ash Wednesday (2 March) to Easter Day (17 April), together with a wide range of free digital resources for individuals, groups and churches.

Copies of the booklet are available for a small donation of £2 at the back of church or from Jen, for families. R Donovan